Nothing Like A Prayer - Dec 2019, Berlin
interactive guerilla projection mapping + political open air karaoke video // idea, animation + sound mix by me / created under supervision of Tilmann Schneider in his Media Spaces class at UE Germany | btk art & design
interactive guerilla projection mapping + political open air karaoke video // idea, animation + sound mix by me / created under supervision of Tilmann Schneider in his Media Spaces class at UE Germany | btk art & design
Backstory + concept: Once the venue was decided on I researched and found out that the St. Clemens church has been described as a catholic hot spot in Berlin. I found several articles describing that the church is frequented by 'pro-life'/anti-abortion activists and extreme right-winged politicians. I wanted this projection mapping to be a statement against these regressive and hateful ideologies.
Projection Mapping Workshop 2018
Participation in a professional group workshop as part of the "Kronach Leuchtet" - International Festival of Lights in Kronach, Bavaria, Germany | Documentary video
Participation in a professional group workshop as part of the "Kronach Leuchtet" - International Festival of Lights in Kronach, Bavaria, Germany | Documentary video
Leitung: Prof. Verena Kraemer und Alexander Trattler
Visuals: Aaron Hagen, Lilli Minhoff, Ali Sahba, Thamina Rastagar, Nadin Heinke, Elina Princeataia, Rengin Tüjen, Jan Minhoff, Hannah Sophie Pollow, Maria Helga Gudjohnsen Sedlacek,
Sounddesign: Iris Birke, Lia Wortelker, Jasmin Wodarczyk
Objektbau: Zuzanna Poloczek, Michelle Sitko, Jan Minhoff, Maria Helga Gudjohnsen Sedlacek
Mapping: Philipp Quast, Nadin Heinke
Compositing: Aline Baumann
Schnitt: Thamina Rastagar
University of Applied Sciences Europe, Art & Design
Visuals: Aaron Hagen, Lilli Minhoff, Ali Sahba, Thamina Rastagar, Nadin Heinke, Elina Princeataia, Rengin Tüjen, Jan Minhoff, Hannah Sophie Pollow, Maria Helga Gudjohnsen Sedlacek,
Sounddesign: Iris Birke, Lia Wortelker, Jasmin Wodarczyk
Objektbau: Zuzanna Poloczek, Michelle Sitko, Jan Minhoff, Maria Helga Gudjohnsen Sedlacek
Mapping: Philipp Quast, Nadin Heinke
Compositing: Aline Baumann
Schnitt: Thamina Rastagar
University of Applied Sciences Europe, Art & Design

Me, projecting

Building the screen installation

MadMapper Software

Mapping tests on the installation