Nothing Like A Prayer - Dec 2019, Berlin
guerilla projection mapping + political open air karaoke video // idea, animation + sound mix by me / created under supervision of Tilmann Schneider in his Media Spaces class at UE Germany | btk art & design
Backstory + concept: Once the venue was decided on I researched and found out that the St. Clemens church has been described as a catholic hot spot in Berlin. I found several articles describing that the church is frequented by 'pro-life'/anti-abortion activists and extreme right-winged politicians. I wanted this projection mapping to be a statement against these regressive and hateful ideologies.
Projection Mapping Workshop 2018
Participation in a professional group workshop as part of the "Kronach Leuchtet" - International Festival of Lights in Kronach, Bavaria, Germany | Documentary video
Leitung: Prof. Verena Kraemer und Alexander Trattler
Visuals: Aaron Hagen, Lilli Minhoff, Ali Sahba, Thamina Rastagar, Nadin Heinke, Elina Princeataia, Rengin Tüjen, Jan Minhoff, Hannah Sophie Pollow, Maria Helga Gudjohnsen Sedlacek,  
Sounddesign: Iris Birke, Lia Wortelker, Jasmin Wodarczyk
Objektbau: Zuzanna Poloczek, Michelle Sitko, Jan Minhoff, Maria Helga Gudjohnsen Sedlacek
Mapping: Philipp Quast, Nadin Heinke
Compositing: Aline Baumann
Schnitt: Thamina Rastagar
University of Applied Sciences Europe, Art & Design
Me, projecting
Me, projecting
Building the screen installation
Building the screen installation
MadMapper Software
MadMapper Software
Mapping tests on the installation
Mapping tests on the installation
The final Video Mapping and Projection with Sound Design was an installation on display during the festival.
The final Video Mapping and Projection with Sound Design was an installation on display during the festival.