Still 1 'A Mere Night' by Nadin Heinke, 2019

Still 2 'A Mere Night' by Nadin Heinke, 2019

Still 3 'A Mere Night' by Nadin Heinke, 2019

Movie Poster 'A Mere Night' by Nadin Heinke, 2019
[EN] A short experimental movie about the nightmare of a little girl. She and her pet, a frog, experience a tragic night and thunderstorm.
The movie combines linear and non-linear forms of cinematic montage, exhibits symbolic and surreal images within and beyond the nightmare. Inspired by the aesthetic of artistic horror movies, expressive sounds and music emphasize the ominous atmosphere.
Created in the Experimental Film class at B.A. Film + Motion Design program at University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE), Berlin
I combined own recorded footage (e.g. timelapse in my street during a summer night with a storm and many lightenings) with found footage and images, then edited everything in After Effects and Premiere Pro.
I also mixed the sound from archival sounds and music in Adobe Audition.
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[DE] Ein kurzer Experimentalfilm über den Alptraum eines kleines Mädchens. Sie und ihr Haustier, ein Frosch, erleben eine tragische Gewitternacht.
Der Film kombiniert lineare und nicht-lineare Formen der filmischen Montage, zeigt symbolhafte und surreale Bilder in und außerhalb des Alptraums. Inspiriert von der Ästhetik künstlerischer Horrorfilme unterstreichen expressive Geräusche und Musik die unheilvolle Atmosphäre.